I started to Chemistry with a specialization in Biochemistry in a binational Bachelor course of study. I conducted my Bachelor thesis in Prof. Einsle’s lab in Freiburg (Germany) and started to be interested by Structural Biology. Then I graduated in Biochemistry and Biophysics with a binational Master degree. It allowed me to do a research stay of 6 months in Gunnar von Heijne’s lab in Stockholm (Sweden) and to performe my Master thesis in Dr. Weixlbaumer in Illkirch (France).
Currently, I am a PhD student in Prof. Luecke’s group. I was awarded an Innovative Training Network grant from the European Commission and I focus my research on the structural studies of two proteins playing a crucial role in human disease: GRBC 1/2 and UreI. I am mainly interested by the use of different Structural Biology techniques, such as single particle cryo-EM and X-Ray crystallography, to unravel structures of various proteins and protein complexes.