With a BSc in biochemistry and a MSc in translational neuroscience, my current interest is to contribute towards a robust understanding of stress-related and depressive disorders. For that purpose, I am working as a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Medicine (University of Bergen) under the main supervision of associate professor Olga Therese Ousdal, and co-supervision of Prof. Petri Kursula and associate professor Leif Oltedal.
Our PhD project aims to elucidate the potential role of brain myelination in major depressive disorder, especially in response to electroconvulsive therapy. The project will combine human neuroimaging with animal research, where structural biology will allow us to validate state-of-the-art nanobodies for myelin staining.
As the main focus of my master’s thesis, and the nexus of our PhD project, I am pleased to continue my journey through structural biology as part of BioCat.