Minisymposium: CryoEM and CryoET: From knowledge to cures – 18-19.10.2023 Oslo (Forskningsparken and Radiumhospital)
Dear all,
We cordially invite you to Minisymposium: CryoEM and CryoET: From knowledge to cures. The event will take place on 18.10.2023 in Forskningsparken (room Forum) and will be followed by demonstrations and practical workshop in Radiumhospital on 19.10.2023.
We will begin with an introductory talk on the techniques and capabilities by the SciLife Lab’s CryoEM facility team, followed by a presentation by equipment manufacturers Thermo and Joel. The scientific part of the program will begin after lunch and covers topics like protein folding, technical advances, neurobiology, vesicular transport, immunology and chromatin.
On Thursday, the program will continue at Radiumhospitalet with hands-on demonstrations. Please contact Andreas Brech ( if you plan to attend.
The detailed program and updates can be found here:
A link for the live stream is here: Minisymposium on CryoEM and CryoET: From knowledge to cures – YouTube
We hope to see many of you,
Ute Krengel, Andreas Brech and Nikolina Sekulić