Key information

Dates: TBD
Registration deadline: TBD
Place: Online via Zoom
Organizer: Jessica Green

First Speaker: Karin Ellis of Ellis Culture in Bergen
Second Speaker: Sharm Alagaratnam of DNV GL in Oslo
Third Speaker: <TBD> of ArcticZymes in Tromsø


Since registration for this workshop began before the launch of the new website, you can still find the registration form at this link. The registration deadline is Wednesday 23.09.20.


Right now you’re working in academia, which is a pretty nice gig. But the truth is that for many of us, life in academia will some day come to an end. Are you ready to enter the industry? What does the typical employer look for in a candidate? How should you set up your CV? Is there a certain way you should act in an interview? And what sort of companies are hiring a scientist like you?

These are the kinds of questions that will be addressed in our upcoming transferable skills workshop, held entirely online. This workshop will feature three speakers:

  • Karin Ellis of Ellis Culture to provide an overview of job search and hiring practices in Norway
  • A speaker from ArcticZymes, a prominent enzyme company operating in Tromsø, to give you insight on hiring practices in the industry (more info coming soon)
  • And Sharm Alagaratnam, a principal consultant and senior researcher of the Precision Medicine programme at DNV GL in Oslo, who will provide a summary of her personal journey from academia to industry and share with you her experience as an industry recruiter of scientists.


The workshop will run from kl 9-14 all three days with a one hour lunch break. Please be on time. It is also a requirement that you attend all three days of the workshop. Short summary below.

Day 1 – Applying for jobs in Norway by Ellis Culture

September 28th, 2020
  • kl 9-11 – The entire job seeker process
  • kl 11-12 – Lunch Break
  • kl 12-14 – The entire job seeker process continued

Day 2 – Working with Norwegians by Ellis Culture

September 29th, 2020
  • kl 9-11 – Norwegian workplace culture
  • kl 11-12 – Lunch Break
  • kl 12-14 – Norwegian workplace culture continued

Day 3 – Industry practices and perspectives

September 30th, 2020
  • kl 9-11 – Presentation from ArcticZymes
  • kl 11-12 – Lunch Break
  • kl 12-14 – Presentation from DNV GL