My background is in nanomedicine and I hold a bachelor’s degree in nanotechnology from the University of Bergen and a master’s degree in nano sciences, also from the University of Bergen.
My Ph.D. thesis focusses on the functionalization of biodegradable nanoparticles with an enzyme called tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). This enzyme catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the dopamine synthesis.
Dopamine is a signaling molecule used by neurons to control digestion, mood and motion. Parkinson’s disease or genetic diseases can lead to lack of TH and dopamine.
The ultimate goal of my Ph.D. project is to develop an enzyme replacement therapy using nanoparticles loaded with TH. In particular, I study the molecular, biochemical and biophysical aspects of the interactions between TH and different nanomaterials such as polymeric nanoparticles or porous silicon. I also investigate the potential biomedical and biotechnological applications, such as the uptake in cells and animal tissues and the effects on protein aggregation and drug release monitoring.
I have gotten several smaller awards and grants, among those are two grants from the Meltzer foundation for projects within my thesis work and a scholarship from the national graduate school BioStruct for a 6-month research stay at the University of California, San Diego, United States in 2014. I was awarded the title: “National Student of the Year in Technology” in 2010 by Universum Awards for my achievements in science contests in which I had participated during high school and undergraduate studies.