Industry presentation webinar series
BioCat is happy to announce a members-only, lunch-time webinar series aimed at those interested in finding out more about the industry, institute- and/or governmental sectors and the hiring possibilities here in Norway. Our goal is to arrange one presentation per month at a maximum length of 45 min, with an addition 15 minutes for questions, making the best use of your busy schedule as you listen while you eat lunch. We have asked companies to focus on research, innovation, hiring practices and valued competence within their company.
The upcoming schedule is posted in the registration form below. We require registration so we can distribute the individual video links for each presentation, but there is no limit to the number of people who can participate. The current schedule will be updated on an ongoing basis as speakers are confirmed, and we plan to have a presentation once a month during active school months. More detailed information on individual companies/speakers will be released to the mailing list and on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter).
If you represent a company or institution that would like to be a part of this initiative, please take contact with the BioCat administration. This will put your company in contact with many clever, eager, and hirable student candidates, while giving them an overview of the job landscape in their field. If the response is big, we are open to organizing two such seminars per month.