Description of Research Group

Molecular parasitology – the basis for novel treatment methods
The Sea Lice Research Centre is a Centre for Research-based Innovation appointed by the Research Council Norway. The Centre is hosted by the University of Bergen. The research in WP4 is structured in three main areas, copepodid biology, reproduction & endo and exocrine systems.

Detailed knowledge about parasite biology is a key factor for success to develop novel methods for parasite control. Such knowledge may open for development of sustainable methods for fighting the parasite like vaccines
and efficient and targeted pharmaceuticals. The research group has therefore a relative wide approach describing and examining several vital functions of the parasite and its interaction with its host. These include vaccine development, characterization of endocrine and exocrine glands, receptors and signaling molecules, endocrine regulation of molting, enzymes involved in molting, sex differentiation, smell/taste receptors. Furthermore, degradation and re-growth of cuticula during ecdysis including molecular endocrine regulation.

Important methods include genome establishment, transcriptomes covering all developmental stages and several organs, establishment of robust RN Ai methods. Protein expressions are important in development and evaluation of possible vaccine candidates.

Technology, expertise and equipment

The Sea Lice Research Centre is hosted by the University of Bergen and Department of Biological Sciences. The group is an integrated part of the department and have access to all common facilities. SLRC has establish
genome resources in our own database- LiceBase (httQs: // and distributed through Ensembl.